

Official news from Meshuggah
Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 11:57pm

Six months after their debut at #59 on the Billboard Top 200 Album Chart in March, MESHUGGAH’s obZen - hailed as “a thundershower of hammers raining from the sky” by Guitar World, “undeniably brilliant,” by Decibel, and “math-metal’s undisputed champions” by Revolver - has cracked the 50,000 mark this week with 50,392 album copies sold in the U.S. according to Nielsen SoundScan.

MESHUGGAH drummer Tomas Haake was voted “2008’s Best Drummer” by Blender Magazine and #1 metal drummer in Modern Drummer’s 2008 Readers Poll (July issue). A riff lesson featuring Guitar World’s #35 ranked “Greatest Metal Guitarists” Fredrik Thordendal and Mårten Hagström can be viewed on MetalKult.com."



Marten Gagstrom in un tenero abbraccio con Gene l'Immenso.

Una nuova, bella intervista a Marten Hagstrom, chitarrista dei Meshuggah, da /www.guitarmessenger.com. Check THIS out!

E per chi volesse leggerne una in italiano, per non stressarsi troppo: QUI ce n'è un'altra datata 2002, sempre ad Hagstrom. Più o meno, tanto, ripete sempre le stesse cose ;-)

WTF?! Calculus Thrash VS Calculated Trash



28_06_2008. Meshuggah @ Gods of Metal - photo report

28_06_08. Meshuggah's act @ G.O.M. (Bologna, Arena Parco Nord) has been GREAT, but the intesity of the show has been weakened a little by the hot weather, and by some technical problems to Hagström's equipment. However, fans are still headbanging. Thank you, Meshuggah.

Click on images to enlarge 'em.
Or click here for a collection of videos (youtube).

sound checking

something going wrong with Martin's equipment

the show begins

and fans already singin'

the adrenaline runs

too hot for a svedish ;-)

Jens' trance


Thomas Haake, a true biomechanoid


Obzen - il videoclip di "Bleed"

A questo indirizzo è finalmente possibile vedere il videoclip del singolo "Bleed", tratto dall'ultima opera dei Meshuggah, Obzen. Il video è stato realizzato da Ian McFarland & Killswitch Productions. Scritto e diretto da McFarland e Mike Pecci.
Secondo chi scrive, il videoclip, che potremmo definire horror-esistenziale, non centra l'obiettivo di imporre un valore aggiunto all'ottimo brano, anzi molte scelte appaiono criticabili (la staticità delle immagini che non si armonizza col digrignare controllato della musica, il makeup Marylin-Mansoniano e patinato, le gesture così tipiche in video "oscuri"...). Viene addirittura il dubbio che i Meshuggah stessi non siano stati granché coinvolti nella realizzazione di questo prodotto, visto l'alto grado di
stereotipia dei contenuti. O almeno è una speranza.


Meshuggah live in Italy

Un breve riepilogo dei Meshuggah - live previsti prossimamente in Italia:

  • Finalmente confermati in via ufficiale al GODS OF METAL 2008! +SLAYER +CARCASS +TESTAMENT +AT THE GATES +DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN +STORMLORD: 28/06, Bologna, Arena Parco Nord

  • Due giorni dopo il GODS. +DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN +BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME + special guest: 30/06, Bolzano, Palaresia


Meshuggah al Gods of Metal?

Da mesi la presenza dei Meshuggah al Gods of Metal 2008 viene data per confermata dalle e-zines italiane specializzate, oltre che dagli organizzatori. Eppure, a tutt'oggi, sui siti officiali Meshuggah, di quella data non v'è traccia. Qui sotto riportiamo la gig-list come si può leggere alla pagina http://www.meshuggah.net/tour/

Summer Festivals Europe 2007

Kauhajoki, Finland Jun 22, Nummirock
Borlänge, Sweden Jun 29, Peace & Love
Gothenburg, Sweden Jun 30, Metaltown
Kristiansand, Norway Jul 02, Quart Festival
Bergum, Holland Jul 07, Waldrock
Winthertur, Switzerland Jul 08, Salzhaus
Prague, Czech Rep. Jul 10, Rock Café
Novi Sad, Serbia Jul 12, Exit Festival
Venice, Italy Jul 14, Frozen Rock Open Air

Qualcuno sente puzza di bufala? Secondo godsofmetal.it il menù del 28/06/08 prevede:
Naturalmente ci auguriamo che la nostra sia solo eccessiva premura...


Free Tibet!


Meshuggah live su YeboTv

Mercoledì 7 maggio:

il live che i Meshuggah terranno all'Agora Theater - Cleveland, Ohio, sarà disponibile in streaming (gratuito) su YeboTv (clic qui). Per vederlo occorre registrarsi a YeboTv e prenotarsi per l'evento.

MESHUGGAH will be streaming their concert ‘LIVE’ on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at:
5:00pm (Pacific)
6:00pm (Mountain)
7:00pm (Central)
8:00pm (Eastern)
(Europe - This will be Wednesday morning your time!)

Some chats about...

Vi riporto ciò che qualcuno mi segnala, su quanto dicono alcuni circa quanto altri dichiarano sui Meshuggah.

Bhe, per il blog dei Meshuggah serve una sintassi in 5/8, almeno.

Fai click qui


Obzen: la titletrack ascoltabile su myspace

Obzen news:

sul myspace dei Meshuggah (clicca qui) si può da oggi ascoltare l'esplosiva titletrack "Obzen".

The titletrack of "Obzen" has been posted on the Meshuggah Myspace (click here)


Nuove interviste ai Meshuggah su Obzen

Due interviste ai Nostri - two new Meshuggah interviews about ObZen:
  • a questo link potrete trovare una intervista di complessivi 30 minuti, divisa in quattro parti, rilasciata da Tomas Haake e Mårten Hagström a Loana Valencia della Nuclear Blast - USA. Argomento di discussione: ObZen, ovviamente.
"It's been three long years since we've heard anything new from Meshuggah, but on March 11, the Swedish experimental-metallers return with what's maybe the first metal album of 2008 that deserves a solid listen. The follow-up to 2005's Catch Thirty-Three, obZen is the product of a year's worth of writing and marks something of a regression for the band, according to guitarist Mårten Hagström.

"We had this vision to make a dense album that was going back to the old songwriting structure we'd been using, where it'd have songs that were linked to each other by a common thread but still had a different identity," he explained. "Now, listening back to the album, that's something I think is the best part of the album, that we pulled that off and managed to get the diversity in there — if you can call what we're doing 'diverse,' with the kind of aggression that's involved. But we aimed to make an album that had that severe, aggressive quality to it. We wanted to get back to the sheer intensity of what we do, but really, it was all a semiconscious thing for us.

"I think this album's a little more direct than the previous ones," he continued. "It's more back to the in-your-face brutality of our older records and has a lot of qualities of what we've done over our career."

obZen features just nine songs, including "Combustion," "This Spiteful Snake," "Dancers to a Discordant System" and the first single, "Bleed." Within the next month, Meshuggah plan to shoot a video for the track, with director Patric Ullaeus (Dimmu Borgir, In Flames) behind the lens. The band is still looking over treatments for the clip. According to Hagström, the band got off to a sluggish start when it came to writing and recording obZen, but eventually the guys hit their stride.

"We started out messing around with new material quite a long time ago, and at the beginning, it was slow-going — but then, it kind of snowballed, which it tends to do with us," he said. "The recording process was similar to what it's usually like for us, but this album was weird in a way. It took a bit longer to write this record, and working on it was pretty gruesome, because we had the usual adversities bands face going into the studio."

One thing Hagström didn't anticipate was how challenging it would be to play the songs live. "That rarely comes this much into play, but we really anticipated that it would be a lot easier to replicate these songs than it has been," he said, adding that obZen is one of the most highly technical offerings the band has ever put to tape.

Meshuggah opted to self-produce the album because they wanted to have more control over the entire process. And while Hagström says the band is more than thrilled with the final result, he has no idea how fans will react to it.

"It's always hard to tell what the reaction will be to our records," he said. "It always takes me a while, personally, to get perspective on an album — to know what I think of it. But we're really happy with it, and I guess that's all that counts. You can only do something that really satisfies you. Then, if people like it, that's an added bonus. You always love to see an album do well — it would be weird to make music and not want people to here it. But if the record doesn't sell a ton, it's not the be-all [and] end-all for us."

Meanwhile, Hagström said he's not at all impressed with the current state of metal and hopes obZen will inject some much-needed inspiration into a scene that he believes is turning bland.

"I could say there's a lot of sh-- out there I don't like, and that would be true," he said. "On the other hand, it's a situation where there's a lot of generic, formulaic music out there, and I'm hoping we can help create a countermovement, a strong one. The last two years, I haven't been listening to much metal at all — when you're recording and writing, you tend to block out what other bands are doing," so their work doesn't bleed into your own.

In late March, Meshuggah will hit the road with Ministry for that band's send-off run. Dubbed "C U LaTouR," the trek kicks off March 26 in Calgary, Alberta, and is set to wrap May 9 in Chicago. Hemlock are also on the bill. Hagström said Meshuggah signed on with no hesitation when they were approached about the tour.

"It made a lot of sense to us to make it happen," he said. "It's going to be fun, and it's going to be nice to be out on the road with Ministry. It's a weird setup, as far as the bill goes — but weird in a good way. It appeals to us. And it's Ministry's farewell tour, which will be something people will remember anyways. And the audiences will be huge."

As far as what the band is doing this summer, Hagström said it'll be hitting the European festival circuit. So far, Meshuggah have no additional U.S. touring plans. Would the band be open to playing the Ozzfest again, as they did in 2002?

"I'm not sure," he said. "We definitely wouldn't pay to do it — that's for sure."


Se faccio un figlio lo chiamo Obzen ;-)

"The album has leaked": qualcuno vicino alla produzione deve aver diffuso i brani in rete (ammesso che non si tratti di una mossa deliberata a scopo commerciale); in rete è già pieno links per scaricare in anteprima l'album, quando manca ancora più di un mese all'uscita ufficiale.

In quanto appassionato della musica dei Meshuggah non ho resistito, ed ho ascoltato (e immediatamente dopo cancellato) le tracce del nuovo album.
Un commento a caldo, visto che una recensione più approfondita verrà col tempo: un album eccezionale, da ogni punto di vista. Non credo potrà deludere alcuno dei fan dei Meshuggah.

Quanto alle conseguenze del fatto che l'abum "has leaked" e sia già diffuso in rete, ne esistono di diversi ordini e non necessariamente negative per la band. Certo significa che ormai il virus Meshuggah è diffuso ovunque, e così la voglia e l'impazienza di ascoltare l'album.

Viste le circostanze la speranza è che tutti quanti abbiano, come me, ascoltato l'album in anteprima vogliano, al momento dell'uscita, rendere il meritato tributo alla band svedese, comperando il disco originale.

ObZen - l'uscita del nuovo album

"ObZen": il nuovo lavoro dei Meshuggah (qui sopra la copertina, dall'estetica senz'altro opinabile) uscirà sul mercato italiano, secondo fonti ufficiali (Nuclear Blast) in data 07/03/2008.

"ObZen" track list:
  1. Combustion
  2. Electric Red
  3. Bleed
  4. Lethargica
  5. ObZen
  6. This Spiteful Snake
  7. Pineal Gland Optics
  8. Pravus
  9. Dancers To A Discordant System

Vedi qui per una breve ma interessante intervista a Mårten Hagström, chitarrista della band, che parla anche del significato del titolo dell'album (Obscene Zen).

Ad ogni modo, a giudicare dal singolo "Bleed", ascoltabile sul myspace dei meshuggah, si preannuncia l'arrivo di un vero masterpiece.

Welcome back, Meshuggah.

Welcome Bienvenidos Benvenuti 환영해

This is an italian unofficial blog about Meshuggah.
I gave birth to it to spread the voice of this great swedish band.
In Italy too, yes. Who am I? Doesn't matter. I just love music.

Questo è un blog non ufficiale dedicato alla musica dei Meshuggah.
"Ce n'era proprio bisogno?"
Beh, in Italia, si.
"Ma chi sei?"
Per ora non ha granché importanza...Ad ogni modo non ho nulla a che fare coi Messhuggah o col loro management, né sono remunerato in alcun modo. Sono solo un appassionato di musica.

Ovviamente è tutto "in costruzione".