
Ibanez M8M Meshuggah signature

News from NAMM 2012, check this out:

27/03/2011: nuovo lavoro in arrivo

dichiarazione del 4 gennaio:
"After a long time of deep 
soul searching and intense
wrecking of the psyches, the 
new album is finally done.
Soon you will meet this colossus
that will pulverize your being.
Welcome to the other side
on March 27."


Meshuggah in Italia

10 luglio 2011 unica data italiana per gli svedesi, al Colonia Sonora di Collegno in provincia di Torino.


Meshuggah change their composing technique for newcoming album

A quanto pare i Meshuggah stanno modificando in modo sostanziale il loro processo compositivo, potremo ascoltare i frutti di questo lavoro sul nuovo album in uscita nel prossimo autunno. Haake dichiara inoltre che la band sta lavorando a un nuovo modo di intendere le loro esibizioni live. Check this out:



New album and some cheese coming soon

According to this recent report, Meshuggah are cheese-on-pizza addicted (that should not be cheese, but MOZZARELLA you fucking weirdos) and are going to release a new album on coming Autumn. In the meanwhile, they order us to get their "Alive!" in every way we can. I did it already.


Interview with drummer Tomas Haake

Joel Parent from ABORT Magazine conducted an interview with drummer Tomas Haake in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on February 8.
You find it here:

(Intervista al batterista dei Meshuggah Haake.)


Meshuggah Alive an kickin'!! Live video coming soon

Swedish metallers Meshuggah will publish their first official LIVE video on the next February 5, 2010 (Europe) and February 9, 2010 (North America). The title of the product (DVD+CD) is "Alive!"

This is the announced tracklist:

Video DVD
01. Begin
02. Perpetual Black Second (Tokyo)
03. Twenty Two Hours
04. Pravus (Tokyo)
05. Dissemination
06. Bleed (NYC)
07. Ritual
08. New Millenium Cyanide Christ (Montreal)
09. Cleanse
10. Stengah (Montreal)
11. The Mouth Licking What You've Bled (Montreal)
12. Machine
13. Electric Red (Tokyo)
14. Solidarius
15. Rational Gaze (Tokyo)
16. Moment
17. Lethargica (Toronto)
18. Communicate
19. Combustion (Toronto)
21. Straws Pulled At Random (Toronto)
20. Humiliative (Montreal)
22. Straws Pulled At Random (Toronto)
23. End

01. "Bleed" Music Video
02. The Making Of "Bleed"
03. Micha's Guitar Tour
04. Tomas Haake's Drum Tour

Live Audio CD:

01. Perpetual Black Second
02. Electric Red
03. Rational Gaze
04. Pravus
05. Lethargica
06. Combustion
07. Straws Pulled At Random
08. New Millenium Cyanide Christ
09. Stengah
10. The Mouth Licking What You've Bled
11. Humiliative
12. Bleed


Non conosci i Meshuggah? Comincia da qui

Una veloce ed efficace presentazione della musica dei Meshuggah, utile per introdurre alla musica della grand band svedese. In Italiano.


Meshuggah guitar lessons

Check these out!! Yeaaahhh!

Meshuggah Metal Riff Lesson Part 1


Meshuggah Metal Riff Lesson Part 2


Meshuggah Metal Riff Lesson Part 3


Meshuggah Metal Riff Lesson Part 4



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